
Submit a project

If you want to propose a project, here are our submission guidelines

Publish with us

At Inter/Connexions we are dedicated to publishing original work in many shapes. And we’re always looking for new people to collaborate with! If you would like to publish with us: keep reading. 

We specifically invite publishing projects that are often overlooked in traditional publishing: interdisciplinary books, multi-media eJournal articles, and works on the intersection of theory and practice. 

Types of projects you can propose

We consider submissions for the following types of publications:

  • Edited volume
  • Monograph
  • Syllabi
  • Practice manuals
  • New eJournal
  • Journal article for existing eJournal

Note: if you are looking to submit a chapter to an edited volume, you can find projects that are looking for contributors here. 

The submission process

Below, you will find the submission guidelines for each of the types of publications listed above. 

  1. Click on the type of publication you would like to submit for review, and you’ll see a downloadable file with our proposal form.
  2. Download the file and fill out the form. 
  3. E-mail the form to, addressed to Susanne. 

Now, the review process starts. After an initial desk review, which might result in some requested changes, we will send your proposal off for double-blind peer review by our trusted review groups. 

If we are interested in publishing your project, we will aim to let you know within 6-8 weeks. If you haven’t heard from us by then, we are not interested in working with you on this project at that time. 


Please note: we accept unsolicited submissions (you do not need an agent to submit to us).

We do not accept simultaneous submissions (you cannot send us a proposal for a project under review with a different publisher). 

Submission forms

Practice manual

Re-use of elements of another person’s work, for example a figure, table or paragraph without acknowledgement, references or the use of quotation marks. It is incumbent on the author to obtain the necessary permission to reuse elements of another person’s work from the copyright holder.

New eJournal


In order for us to take an unbiased approach, we investigate each case thoroughly, seeking clarification from all affected parties. We were one of the first academic publishers to adopt the iParadigms software (iThenticate) to help inform us when an alleged case of plagiarism is brought to our attention.

If we are approached by a third party with an allegation of plagiarism, we would always seek a response from the original author(s) or copyright holder(s) before we decide on a course of action. We will not be influenced by other parties and will form our decisions in an unbiased and objective manner.

Inter/Connexions is not obliged to discuss individual cases of alleged plagiarism with third parties. We reserve the right not to proceed with a case if the complainant presents a false name or affiliation or acts in an inappropriate or threatening manner towards Emerald editors and staff.

Contact us

Get in touch if you are concerned about plagiarism or want to know more about
our approach to handling allegations of misconduct.